Legal services for buying a second home

Why is it important to have legal representation when buying a second home in Italy?

We believe it is important for potential homebuyers to be able to choose legal support. That is why we work with the most expert real estate lawyers, legal advisers and mediators in Italy. These lawyers specialise in property purchases and cross-border negotiations, are completely independent and work for their own account and risk.

This means that you do business directly with them and also compensate them directly for the services provided.

“”The best way to validate the purchase of a second home is to seek reasons why it might be unwise. If we cannot find any such reasons or can address and resolve any concerns, then the buying process can proceed.””

We work completely transparently and has the mission to only sell a second home if the complete situation is clear as described below.

What are legal services for purchasing a second home in Italy?
Legal services for buying property in Italy play a crucial role in ensuring a smooth and secure transaction for both domestic and international buyers. The Italian legal system is very extensive, complicated and full of pitfalls. Especially in a real estate purchase process. 

Because of this, it is essential to seek professional guidance to navigate the process and avoid (expensive) mistakes.

Legal due diligence

Before entering into a real estate transaction, it is essential to conduct thorough legal due diligence. This includes examining the legal status of the property, ownership, any existing encumbrances or liens, zoning restrictions, permits, and compliance with building codes. A lawyer who specializes in real estate law can review the property documents and do the necessary investigations to make sure there are no claims, illegalities or disputes on the property (e.g. legacy disputes, condominium). Be aware that in the field of disputes, there are the following remedies: mediation with mediators or judicial procedure in front of the Court; in both situations we can provide you with the qualified legal assistance requested!

The written bid "Proposta di vendita"

In Italy, a “proposta di vendita”refers to a purchase offer or a proposal to buy property. It is a document that outlines the conditions under which a buyer wants to buy a property.Here are some important points to understand about a “proposta di vendita” in Italy: 

  • Purpose: The purpose of a “proposta di vendita” is to formalize the intention of the buyer to purchase a specific property. It is a preliminary document that precedes the final contract and serves as a starting point for the negotiations between buyer and seller.
  • Non-binding nature: In most cases, a “proposta di vendita” is considered a non-binding document. This means that neither buyer nor seller are legally obliged to proceed with the transaction solely on the basis of this offer. It is usually followed by a more comprehensive and binding agreement called the “compromesso/contratto preliminare” or preliminary purchase agreement.
  • Content: The “proposta di vendita” usually contains essential details about the property and the proposed transaction. It may include information such as the names of the buyer and seller, the address of the property, a description of the property, the purchase price, payment terms, the proposed timetable for completion, any specific terms or contingencies, and other relevant terms negotiated by the parties.
  • Validity: The validity period of a “proposta di vendita” is usually specified in the document. A period is set within which the seller must respond to the buyer’s offer and accept, reject or change the terms. If the seller does not respond within the stipulated period, the offer is generally considered expired and no longer valid.
  • Negotiations and counter-offers: The “proposta di vendita” serves as a starting point for negotiations between the buyer and the seller. The seller may choose to accept the offer as it is presented, reject it outright or propose changes or counter-offers to the terms. This back-and-forth negotiation process continues until both parties agree on the terms of the sale.
  • Deposit: Although not always included in a “proposta di vendita”, it is common for buyers to make a deposit, known as “caparra confirmatoria”, as a sign of commitment. The deposit is usually a percentage of the purchase price and serves as a guarantee of the buyer’s intention to proceed with the transaction.

It is important to note that specific regulations and practices may vary depending on the region and individual circumstances. Engaging a qualified Italian real estate lawyer is highly recommended to ensure that the “proposta di vendita” is well prepared, understood and in accordance with legal requirements.

Drafting and reviewing contracts

The purchase of real estate in Italy involves the drafting and review of various legal documents. A lawyer can help draft or assess the preliminary purchase agreement (compromesso) and the final deed of sale (atto notarile). These documents set out the terms of the transaction, including the purchase price, payment terms, the timetable for completion and any unforeseen circumstances.

Notarial assistance

In Italy, the presence of a notary is mandatory for the purchase of real estate. A notary public is a government official who plays a crucial role in verifying the legality and authenticity of the transaction. He ensures that all necessary legal requirements are met, including conducting searches, certifying signatures and registering the deed with the appropriate authorities. A lawyer can work with the notary to ensure that the closing process runs smoothly.

Tax advice

Buying property in Italy has several tax implications. A lawyer, with fiscal experts, can advise on the applicable taxes, such as value added tax (VAT), registration tax and stamp duty. They can provide advice on any available tax benefits or exemptions and assist in calculating and submitting the required tax payments to the relevant authorities.

Assistance with permits and approvals

Depending on the type of property and its intended use, specific permits and approvals may be required. These can be building permits, zoning changes or environmental impact assessments. A lawyer, with technical experts, can help navigate the complex regulatory framework and ensure that all necessary requirements are met.

Legal representation and negotiation

Having legal representation during the buying process provides an extra layer of protection. A lawyer can represent your interests during the negotiations and ensure that your rights are protected and the terms of the transaction are fair. They can also help solve any disputes or issues that may arise during the purchase process.

Engaging a qualified Italian real estate lawyer is highly recommended when buying property in Italy. They have the necessary expertise and knowledge of the local legal system to protect your interests, limit risks and guarantee a successful real estate transaction.


The choice is up to the buyer to use these legal services and we will do everything to facilitate the lawyers and legal consultants with obtaining the necessary information.

There are situations where a lawyer has little added value and others where a legal advice can make the difference.

A specialized lawyer can be very welcome addition during the purchase process.